The killer whale, also known as “orca whale” or simply “orca” or “blackfish”, is one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. It is a whale which has great teeth which belongs to the oceanic dolphin family originally. From the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, Killer whale is found in almost all oceans. They collectively as a species possess quite a diverse diet; however individual killer whales can specialize in their particular preys. Some of the killer whales feed primarily on fish, while other individuals of these species also hunt marine mammals including pinnipeds and many others, and some of these individuals also eat large whales. This species is regarded as apex predator, which lacks natural predators and preying on even large sharks.
Killer whales are highly social, and they interact with each other actively. Some of these animals have made up quite stable matrilineal family groups which are considered one of the most stable groups found in any of the animal species. The individuals of this species possess very sophisticated hunting techniques and extremely powerful vocal behaviors, which are passed along to the offspring and are found specific to a particular group. These tactics are generally passed across generations and have formed as a form of killer whale culture.
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The dangerous behavior of killer whale has been found threatening to some of the local populations as the sea has suffered prey depletion which has made these animals to attack humans. Some of the local populations of killer whales are listed under Endangered Species list. They have been featured strongly in several mythologies with their reputation being souls of humans to merciless killers. Enjoy the most amazing killer whale pictures here.